Tuesday, September 30, 2014


holden beach, north carolina

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

from Epicurus

"Against other things it is possible to obtain security, but when it comes to death we human beings all live in an unwalled city"

Friday, September 19, 2014

from "Miles City, Montana" by Alice Munro

"I wanted to hide so that I could get busy at my real work, which was a sort of wooing of distant parts of myself. I lived in a state of siege, always losing just what I wanted to hold on to. But on trips there was no difficulty. I could be talking to Andrew, talking to the children and looking at whatever they wanted me to look at--a pig on a sign, a pony in a field, a Volkswagen on a revolving stand--and pouring lemonade into plastic cups, and all the time those bits and pieces would be flying together inside me. The essential composition would be achieved. This made me hopeful and lighthearted. It was being a watcher that did it. A watcher, not a keeper."

--Alice Munro, "Miles City, Montana"

east north carolina in the summertime

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


at glenwood farm in the woods at fahnestock state park

Saturday, September 13, 2014

glenwood farm in fahnestock state park, ny

we got lost on the charcoal burners trail and came out onto this beautiful, clean farm surrounded by forest.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Some amazing books I've been flipping out about recently

 See Parts 1 and 2.

(Not in order of goodness. They are all amazing.)

1. Autoportrait, Edouard Levé (Dalkey Archive)
A collection of pin-sharp autobiographical nonsequiturs.

"To me the smell of manure recalls a bygone era, whereas the smell of wet earth evokes no particular time."
"Other people's failures make me sadder than my own."
"I am happy to be happy, I am sad to be sad, but I can also be happy to be sad and sad to be happy."

2. Women in Clothes, Sheila Heti, Heidi Julavits, Leanne Shapton and 639 Others (Blue Rider Press)
A book full of discussions with a huge variety of women (a bit cis, I acknowledge) about clothes, identity, admiration, rules, and obsessions.

"Joss Lake: My ex-girlfriend said, 'You don't have style, you have styles.' I'd always felt like I was failing to construct a coherent style--so it became a sort of Whitmanian mantra, not only for fashion, but for my personhood: 'I contain multitudes. I contain multitudes.'"
"Szilvia Molnar: I love noticing women who have a panoramic view of their environment when they're walking down the street. Women who are engaged in the moment and are interested in looking at who or what is around them."

3. Are You My Mother?, Alison Bechdel (Mariner)
A graphic memoir focused on Bechdel's relationship with her mother, plus psychoanalysis, Virginia Woolf, dreams, sex--makes me excited to notice more of the coincidences and thematic ties between all areas of life.

4. 10:04, Ben Lerner (Faber and Faber)
A beautiful New York book that is as helpful/transformative as a sustained conversation with a really smart friend (I already sought out the recommended Soho Crate & Barrel bathroom and it was great), closely observing those moments when life feels different and strange.

"And so on: each of these experiences of reception remained, as it were, in situ, so that whenever I returned to a zone where significant news had been received, I discovered that the news and an echo of its attendant affect still awaited me like a curtain of beads."

5. The Revolution Will Not be Microwaved: Inside America's Underground Food Movements, Sandor Ellix Katz (Chelsea Green)
From slow food to roadkill.

"I tend to be very adventurous about tasting plants I don't know; my rule of thumb is that it's okay to taste unknown plants (though not fungi) so long as you experiment slowly. Smell before you taste. Taste just a tiny bit. Chew it well, mix it with saliva, and see how it feels in your mouth. If it tastes unpleasant or you start reacting in some strange way, spit it out and don't eat any more. If it feels okay in your mouth, swallow."

Monday, September 8, 2014

internet favorites for september: wishlist for fall

some more internet favorites, classic blogger fare. i think i'll do a post a month until i run out of things that i like.

here are some things that are on my wishlist.

1. this seasonal fruits of california poster, or anything from plantplanet.
2. a super sunprint kit, so i can make some larger-format sunprints to put all over eve while she's trying to work.

3. this amazing screenprinted poster by ford craftsman studios of the california zephyr.

i guess i can't really break my flat things habit.

Monday, September 1, 2014

market day, tuscany

claudio of podere campriano sells sheep's milk cheeses at the sovicille market